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Top Skills Every Effective Public Health Leader Should Master

Key Takeaways:

  • Organization and teamwork are essential skills for public health leaders, allowing them to efficiently manage multiple tasks and projects, prioritize work, and bring together professionals from diverse backgrounds to address complex public health challenges.
  • Effective communication is critical for public health leaders, enabling them to convey complex information clearly and concisely, actively listen to others’ perspectives, adapt their communication style to different situations and audiences, and advocate for policies that promote health and wellbeing.
  • Understanding limits and boundaries helps public health leaders effectively manage resources, make informed decisions, navigate diverse cultural and social contexts, recognize when to seek collaboration or additional expertise, and prioritize ethical considerations.
  • Motivating behavioral change is a key skill for public health leaders, involving understanding individuals’ perspectives and contexts, practicing empathy, considering social and environmental factors that influence behavior, using behavior change theories and providing education and information, and creating a supportive and empowering environment.

Public health leadership is central to successful health outcomes, crisis management, and disease prevention. By mastering key leadership skills, public health professionals can effectively lead their teams, engage communities, and drive significant healthcare improvements. Let’s delve into how these skills make a difference.

Organization and Teamwork

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Photo by Paico Oficial

One of the essential skills for public health leadership is organization, along with the ability to unite teams and create a collaborative work environment. Being organized is crucial in managing the complex and diverse responsibilities that come with public health leadership roles.

Organizational skills enhance efficiency and productivity in public health management. With the growing demands of the field, public health leaders need to handle multiple tasks, projects, and initiatives simultaneously. By staying organized, leaders can prioritize their work, set clear goals and deadlines, and allocate resources effectively.

Being organized also allows leaders to stay focused and attentive to details. Public health work often involves analyzing large amounts of data, monitoring progress, and implementing evidence-based interventions. With an organized approach, leaders can ensure that all relevant information is gathered, analyzed, and communicated accurately.

In addition to organization, public health leaders need to build cross-functional and multicultural teams. Many public health challenges are complex and require expertise from different disciplines. By bringing together professionals from diverse backgrounds, leaders can harness the collective knowledge and skills needed to address these challenges [1] comprehensively.

Cross-functional teams can provide different perspectives and insights, leading to more innovative and effective solutions. For example, a team that includes epidemiologists, social workers, policymakers, and community health workers can work together to address a public health issue holistically, considering the social, environmental, and behavioral factors that contribute to health outcomes.

Furthermore, building multicultural teams is essential for addressing health disparities and promoting health equity. Public health issues affect different populations differently, and leaders need to understand the cultural, social, and economic contexts in which these issues arise. By fostering a multicultural team, leaders can ensure that interventions and policies are culturally sensitive and inclusive.

Teamwork is crucial in public health leadership because it encourages collaboration, shared decision-making, and a sense of ownership among team members. When teams are united and working towards a common goal, they can achieve greater results and overcome challenges more effectively. Moreover, teamwork promotes a positive work culture, where individuals feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute their best.

Communication Skills

minimalist photography of three crank phones
Photo by Pavan Trikutam

Effective communication is a critical skill for public health leaders. It plays a crucial role in both internal team coordination and external policy advocacy. Clear and effective communication is essential for conveying information, building relationships, and inspiring action.

In public health organizations, communication can face several challenges. These include language barriers, cultural differences, and hierarchies. Overcoming these challenges requires leaders to be proactive and intentional in their communication strategies.

Here are some key points to consider when developing communication skills in public health leadership:

  1. Clear and Concise Communication
    Public health leaders need to be able to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner. This includes using language that is accessible to different audience groups, whether they are professionals in the field or members of the general public.
  2. Active Listening
    Effective communication is a two-way process. Public health leaders must be active listeners, taking the time to understand the perspectives and needs of others. This helps build trust and ensures that decisions are informed by diverse viewpoints.
  3. Adaptability in Communication Style
    Different situations and audiences require different communication styles. Public health leaders should be able to adapt their communication approach to fit the needs of the situation. This can involve being empathetic, assertive, or persuasive depending on the context.
  4. Collaboration and Team Communication
    Public health leaders often work with interdisciplinary teams, where effective communication is crucial. They must foster an environment of open communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and providing feedback. This helps create a culture of collaboration and innovation.
  5. Communication in Policy Advocacy
    Public health leaders play a critical role in advocating for policies that promote health and wellbeing. This requires effective communication with policymakers, government agencies, and community stakeholders. Public health leaders must be able to clearly articulate the evidence behind their recommendations and present compelling arguments for policy [1] change.
  6. Conflict Resolution
    As leaders, public health professionals may encounter conflicts or disagreements within their teams or with external partners. Effective communication skills are essential in resolving conflicts and finding common ground. Leaders should be able to defuse tense situations, encourage open dialogue, and facilitate productive discussions.
  7. Cultural Competency
    Public health leaders must be culturally competent and aware of the diverse needs and perspectives within their communities. This includes understanding cultural norms, values, and communication styles. Cultural competency helps leaders tailor their communication strategies to be culturally sensitive and inclusive.

Understanding Limits and Boundaries

person hovering over snow covered ground during daytime
Photo by Jörg Angeli

As a public health leader, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of limits and boundaries in order to effectively manage resources, make informed decisions, and navigate the complex landscape of public health. This understanding allows leaders to establish and maintain the necessary boundaries to ensure the efficient and ethical use of resources, as well as manage the expectations and responsibilities of [2] their role.

One of the key aspects of understanding limits and boundaries is having a clear understanding of responsibilities, authority, and resources. This includes knowing what tasks and responsibilities fall within your scope of practice and aligning them with your authority and available resources. By defining and understanding these limits, leaders can ensure that they are making decisions and taking actions that are within their purview and that they have the necessary resources to carry out their duties effectively.

In global health, understanding limits and boundaries becomes even more important. Leaders must be aware of and work within the regulations and guidelines of various countries, as well as navigate cultural differences and health systems that may be different from their own. This requires a high level of cultural competency and adaptability to effectively utilize resources and implement strategies that are appropriate for the specific context.

Another important aspect of understanding limits and boundaries is recognizing when to seek collaboration or seek additional expertise. Public health leaders cannot and should not be expected to have all the answers or be experts in every area. By recognizing their limitations, leaders can engage with other professionals, organizations, and community members to leverage their knowledge and expertise. This collaborative approach allows for more comprehensive decision-making and enhances the overall impact of public health [1] initiatives.

Additionally, understanding limits and boundaries means being aware of ethical considerations and making decisions that prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities. Leaders must ensure that their actions align with ethical principles such as fairness, transparency, and respect for the autonomy and dignity of individuals. This includes maintaining confidentiality, obtaining informed consent when necessary, and being transparent about the potential risks and benefits of interventions or policies.

Behavioral Change and Motivation

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Photo by Steve Johnson

Motivating behavioral change is an essential skill for public health leaders. As public health professionals, our goal is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. This often involves encouraging individuals to make positive changes in their behavior that will lead to improved health [1] outcomes.

When it comes to motivating behavioral change, understanding individuals’ perspectives and contexts is crucial. Each person has their unique set of beliefs, values, and motivations that influence their behaviors. As leaders, it’s essential to take the time to listen and understand these perspectives, as it helps us tailor our approach to effectively communicate and motivate individuals to make healthier choices.

One way to understand individuals’ perspectives is through empathy. Empathy involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and truly understanding their experiences and feelings. By practicing empathy, public health leaders can build trust and rapport with individuals, making it easier to motivate behavioral change. Empathy also helps leaders identify the barriers and challenges individuals may face in making behavioral changes, allowing them to provide the necessary support and resources.

In addition to understanding individuals’ perspectives, public health leaders must also consider the broader social and environmental contexts that influence behavior. Many factors beyond individuals’ control, such as access to resources, cultural norms, and social support networks, can impact their ability to make behavioral changes. By addressing these contextual factors, leaders can create an environment that supports and promotes healthy behaviors.

Public health leaders play a crucial role in health promotion and disease prevention by motivating individuals to adopt healthy behaviors. Whether it’s encouraging individuals to quit smoking, increase physical activity, or practice safe sex, leaders must effectively communicate the importance of these behaviors and motivate individuals to take action.

There are several strategies and techniques that public health leaders can use to motivate behavioral change. One effective approach is using behavior change theories, such as the Transtheoretical Model or the Health Belief Model, to guide interventions. These theories provide a framework for understanding how individuals move through stages of change and what factors influence their decision-making process.

Another important strategy is providing education and information about the benefits of behavioral change. People are more likely to make changes when they understand the impact it will have on their health and well-being. Public health leaders can use various communication channels, such as social media, community workshops, and healthcare settings, to deliver these messages effectively.

Additionally, public health leaders should focus on creating a supportive and empowering environment for behavioral change. This involves providing resources, such as access to healthcare services, affordable healthy food options, and safe physical activity spaces. It also means fostering a sense of community and social support, where individuals feel encouraged and motivated to make positive changes.

Management Competency and Governance

In addition to the four essential skills discussed in previous sections, another crucial skill for public health leaders is management competency and governance. This skill encompasses the ability to effectively manage and coordinate resources, projects, and teams to achieve desired outcomes in the field of public health. [4]

Good management and leadership skills play a vital role in ensuring better project outcomes in global health. Leaders who possess strong management competencies are able to effectively plan, organize, and execute public health initiatives. They have the ability to allocate resources efficiently, manage timelines, and ensure that projects are completed successfully. By employing good management practices, public health leaders can drive effective coordination among team members, streamline processes, and foster collaboration.

In addition to strong management competencies, qualities such as empathy, commitment, and compassion are essential in public health management. Public health leaders must empathize with the diverse populations they serve and understand their unique needs and challenges. They must be committed to addressing health disparities and ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, has access to quality healthcare. Compassion is also crucial in public health management, as leaders must genuinely care about the well-being of individuals and communities. These qualities help to build trust, foster relationships, and navigate complex cultural and societal dynamics in public health practice.

Furthermore, public health leaders must have a solid understanding of governance in order to effectively lead and make decisions in a public health organization. Governance refers to the structures, processes, and procedures that guide decision-making and ensure accountability. Leaders who possess governance competencies understand the importance of transparency, integrity, and ethical decision-making. [3] They work within the framework of regulations and legislation to ensure that public health initiatives are conducted within legal and ethical boundaries. They also prioritize the principles of equity, social justice, and human rights in their decision-making, ensuring that the needs of vulnerable populations are met.

By developing management competency and understanding governance, public health leaders can make informed decisions, effectively allocate resources, and ensure the successful implementation of public health initiatives. This skill set is essential for driving change, improving health outcomes, and promoting equity in communities. It empowers leaders to navigate complex environments, overcome challenges, and advocate for the well-being of individuals and populations.

Understanding and mastering these foundational skills – organization and teamwork, effective communication, setting limits and boundaries, promoting behavioral change, and management and governance competencies – can significantly enhance your effectiveness as a public health leader. Like any journey of growth, developing these skills can take time, but the impact you’ll make as a more capable leader will be worth the effort. Every step forward you take paves the way for healthier, stronger communities. So, take stock of where you are now, believe in your potential to learn and grow, and set your sights on how you can be an even better public health leader for the betterment of all. After all, the heart of public health is all about creating positive change and impact in the lives of many – and that includes your own journey as a leader.


[1] 5 Essential Qualities for Leaders in Public Health
[2] Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Health Leadership …
[3] Public health leadership: Competencies to guide practice
[4] Competency development in public health leadership. – PMC

Max Johnson

Max Johnson is currently a Vice President at a Fortunate 100 company. He has also held multiple leadership positions at two startups previously. When he is not busy working, you can find him surfing at the beach or skiing in the mountains.

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